What’s Going On: 2020 Playlist

black vinyl player

I grew up in the times of “boom boxes,” “ghetto blasters,” and cassette tapes. 8-tracks are at the far edge of my memory, from my grandparents collection of Marty Robbins and Conway Twitty in the basement by the stereo cabinet to a Carpenters 8-track that I vaguely (and possibly incorrectly) recall our car at one point.

So, it’s a wonderful thing to have access to more music than I could possibly listen to via the internet. Our Spotify subscription has become as much a necessary monthly expense as groceries -and that’s only a small exaggeration. The kids have their own usernames on our family account now. I drew the line after the fourteenth playlist of Parry Gripp tunes invaded my carefully curated commute playlists. …Click that link at your own risk, by the way.

If you need a soundtrack to “These Unusual Times” that isn’t the drone of CNN or Fox News in the background (NPR at our house – no cable), I humbly suggest Marvin Gaye’s classic, What’s Going On, from 1971. Amazing how something made that long ago speaks so accurately to current events.

Seriously prophetic stuff. And I mean that in the definition of prophecy not as future-telling, but as something designed to move a a person to action.

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